
Don’t leave us Kate!

Sadly after 12 years, I am very sorry to say that Kate will be leaving us on the 7th September. However she is going to do something that she will 100% excel in. Kate started working at Acorns on an Apprenticeship and worked her way up to become Assistant Manager. Not only has Kate flourished…

Children’s Quotes

“I have pizza in the lounge  on Saturday. I watch Country File. Do you watch Country File?” Emily “My Daddy is called Gordon. What’s your’s called?” (Teacher); “AJ” (Child); “That’s a nice name. What’s it short for?” Teacher; “Daddy Day Care” Joshua “I like tarts I do. Daddy likes Tarts too” Tristan

Happy New Year!

After a very enjoyable Christmas we are all back and ready for the New Year!  We are hoping that we will be having a few changes made to the nursery with the introduction of some new small world toys and provision for the children. Hopefully we can start to plant some flowers and plants with the…